Saturday, July 9, 2016

Thoughts on Day 1

I’ve attended the networking group covering the exploration of responsibilities of communities of faith communities in the context of economic change.  David Korten, of course, framed our discussions on the current economic system and its impact on the wellbeing of everything.  Korten mentioned that money really is at the core of human existence.  It becomes the ticket to everything we need – and our servitude to it.

Of those who volunteered their models, all but one talked about what their group was doing…in some other place.  The country of Spain was featured for their cooperatives work in organizing workers.  Another talked about what a religious order is doing with home building in the South of America.  Everyone expressed their ideas about what is wrong with the present economy; its faults, shortcomings, and impact. 

In my own perspective, I see that people don’t generally do well with abstracts and intellectual ideas.  The vast majority of us really do need models to look at, feel and touch, and become a part of to actually embrace.  The PUSH Buffalo presentation provided just that. 

James Deming, the “father of quality control”, stated that if something could be measured, then it can be controlled.   It could also be duplicated.  I would like to see more case studies of alternatives that are in place and working – how they were set up, how it works, the successes and failures, and the metrics on what has been accomplished.  Perhaps a network of such people could establish this learning laboratory share results and offer the infrastructure for duplication.

Finally, there was discussion about The Calvert Foundation.  This is a funding organization who works directly with non-profits (particularly within communities of faith) for the common good.  From what was presented, this organization funds projects world-wide that somehow address the common interests held within a faith group.

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